quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2020


     Camisas, camisetas e jaquetas com estampas da série clássica do desenho animado estadunidense, SANSÃO E GOLIAS pelo Brasil e pelo mundo afora. 
     Confiram as camisas, camisetas e jaquetas do referido desenho animado nas fotografias sansônicas disponíveis logo abaixo...


     Obrigado pela sua visita, um bom divertimento e um super abração sansônico a todos os visitantes do blog, O JOVEM SANSÃO E GOLIAS.

     Pesquisa sansônica: JOSÉ RIBEIRO.
     Catalogação das fotografias sansônicas para o uso neste blog: JOSÉ RIBEIRO. 
     Localização sansônica: MANAUS-AMAZONAS-BRASIL.

     Postagem revisada e atualizada no mês de dezembro de 2020.

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2020


     Qual foi a inspiração por trás de He-Man e She-Ra? Sansão e Golias, os poderosos e incansáveis defensores de toda a humanidade? O Poderoso Mightor? Capitão Marvel (Shazam)? Conan, o Bárbaro? Tire as suas próprias conclusões através de cinco opiniões extraídas de um grande portal estadunidense de entretenimento e aqui expostas para todos vocês, os verdadeiros fãs incondicionais e irrestritos desses incríveis personagens televisivos.
     No meu caso, eu sou um fã incondicional e irrestrito de Sansão e Golias, os incansáveis e poderosos defensores de toda a humanidade! E você, qual desses cinco grandes personagens televisivos é o seu favorito?
     Confiram tudo isso e muito mais nas cinco opiniões expostas logo abaixo...

Marcio Luz IMOH BARE, M.A. Illustration & Comic and Animation, University of Westminster / M.A. Ilustração, Quadrinhos e Animação, Universidade de Westminster (2010). Respondeu no dia 28 de fevereiro de 2018.

     "Na verdade, quando eu vejo o Poderoso He-Man, eu vejo uma mistura de vários personagens dos desenhos animados do gênero aventuras de super-heróis da televisão mundial como: Shazam (O Capitão Marvel), O Poderoso Thor, O Poderoso Mightor (A propósito, este é um verdadeiro plágio do Poderoso Thor da Marvel Comics), o Jovem Sansão e Golias e depois o Conan, o Bárbaro.
     O meu palpite é que eles fizeram sua inspeção de Conan, enquanto faziam os brinquedos e as mini histórias em quadrinhos, mas mudaram o gênero para uma fantasia de ficção científica para torná-lo um pouco diferente. Então, ao fazer a série de desenho animado televisiva (agora isso é eu estou adivinhando aqui, eles emprestaram várias características de vários personagens, especialmente, o Poderoso Mightor e o Jovem Sansão.
     O Poderoso Mightor e o Poderoso He-Man: jovens e imponentes rapazes que levantam as suas poderosas armas de guerra para os céus e bradam palavras místicas que os transformam em grandes e poderosos seres místicos.
     O Jovem Sansão e o Poderoso He-Man: jovens e imponentes rapazes que se transformam em grandes e poderosos seres místicos através dos seus poderosos artefatos místicos (o Jovem Sansão batendo os seus poderosos braceletes místicos de ouro conjuntamente e o He-Man levantando a sua poderosa espada do poder e dizendo... Bem, você sabe o que ele diz) e ambos possuem animais de estimação que se transformam em gigantescos felinos, quando a energia dos artefatos místicos energizados é apontada para eles. Venha para pensar sobre isso, é como Mightor também. Ah, e ambos, Jovem Sansão e He-Man, têm o mesmo corte de cabelo. Bem, eu estou apenas constatando um fato.
     Quanto à She-Ra, conhecendo a Filmation Produções (a empresa responsável pela produção dessa série de televisão nos Estados Unidos da América do Norte), eles eram todos sobre moral e valores familiares. Eu tenho certeza que eles queriam uma versão feminina do He-Man para o público feminino. Eu me lembro como uma criança assistindo a série e como as garotas eram tão sensacionalistas por causa da She-Ra, que parecia uma versão de super-heróis da Barbie e Jem. A série de desenhos animados de Jem era bastante popular nos anos 80, enquanto Barbie… Bem, você sabe." 

     IMOH BARE, M.A. Illustration & Comic and Animation, University of Westminster (2010). Answered Feb 28, 2018.

     "Actually, when I see He-Man, I see a mixture of characters: Shazam (Captain Marvel), Mighty Thor, Mighty Mightor (a rip off of Thor by the way), Young Samson and Goliath, and then Conan.
     My guess is that they got their inspection from Conan while making the Toys and Mini Comics, but changed its genre to a SciFi-Fantasy to make it a little different. Then while making the TV series, (now this is me guessing here) they borrowed from numerous characters, especially Mighty Mightor and Young Samson.
     Mightor / He-Man: Young guys raising weapons to the heavens and saying magic words which changes them to big powerful beings.
     Young Samson / He-Man: Young guys who transform to big powerful Super beings through magical artefacts (Samson by hitting his golden wristbands together, He-Man by raising his swords and saying..... you remember what he says), and they both have pets who transform to giant cats when energy from the powered artefacts are pointed towards them. Come to think of it, that's sort of like Mightor as well. Oh, and both Samson and He-Man have the same haircuts. I'm just saying .
     As for She-Ra, knowing Filmation (the company that was responsible for the TV series), they were all about morals and family values. I'm sure they wanted a female version of He-Man for the girl audience. I remember as a kid watching the series and how girls were so hyped because of She-Ra, who looked like a superhero version of Barbie and Jem. Jem's cartoon series was quite popular in the 80s while Barbie….. well, you know."

Jeff Kesselman
JEFF KESSELMAN, "Eu sei um pouco sobre muito e muito sobre um pouco!" Respondeu no dia 18 de maio de 2013.

     "Eu tenho certeza que a inspiração por trás do He-Man foi essa: "Essa coisa de fantasia é muito popular, então vamos vender um brinquedo de fantasia junto com um programa de televisão". E a inspiração por trás da She-ra foi: "Uau, essa coisa de He-man está vendendo muito bem com os garotos... E agora, como venderemos para as garotas também??" Dado que eles apenas capturaram e criaram quaisquer tropos de fantasia que pudessem encontrar. Quanto à cor e ao estilo de arte, isso estaria nas mãos do diretor de arte e refletiria os seus gostos. O importante é que as formas fossem simples o suficiente para que pudessem ser fabricadas de forma barata como brinquedos."  

     JEFF KESSELMAN, I know a little bit about a whole lot, and a whole lot about a little bit. Answered May 18, 2013.

     I'm pretty sure the inspiration behind He-Man was "This fantasy thing is popular, lets sell a fantasy toy with a TV show."
     And the inspiration behind She-ra was, "Wow, this He-man thing is selling great with boys... now how do we sell to girls?"
     Given that they just latched onto and kiddified any fantasy tropes they could find.  As for color and art style, that would be in the hands of the art director and reflect his/her tastes, the important thing being that forms are simple enough that they could be cheaply manufactured as toys.
Marcio Luz

LIAM CORRIGAN. Respondeu no dia 24 de maio de 2018.

     "Há um programa no Netflix chamado "Os Brinquedos Que Nos Fizeram", que abrange os brinquedos dos anos 80. Um episódio trata especificamente do He-Man e dos Mestres do Universo. Inicialmente, havia três ideias lançadas, um comando espacial, um guerreiro marinho (se bem me lembro) e um tipo bárbaro. A Mattel foi com o bárbaro, que acabou se tornando o He-Man. A She-Ra foi uma tentativa de explorar o mercado das garotas."

     LIAM CORRIGAN, Answered May 24, 2018.

     "There's a show on Netflix called "The Toys that made Us", which covers toys from the 80's. 
     One episode deals specifically with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
     Initially there were three ideas pitched, a space commando, a marine (if I remember correctly) and a barbarian type warrior. Mattel went with the barbarian, which eventually became He-Man. She-Ra was an attempt to tap the girl market."
Michael Palmer
MICHAEL PALMER, trabalha na Game Stop. Respondeu no dia 21 de fevereiro de 2018.

     "Houve apenas uma inspiração por trás do desenho animado do He-Man, a vendas de brinquedos. Eles inventaram uma linha de brinquedos e escreveram o programa para vendê-los. Como eles venderam muito bem, então eles decidiram ramificar e tentar vender para as meninas, assim nasceu a She-ra."

     MICHAEL PALMER, works at Game Stop. Answered Feb 21, 2018.

     "There was only 1 inspiration behind He-Man. Toy sales. They invented a line of toys and wrote the show to sell them. When they sold really well, they decided to branch out and try to sell to girls, so She-ra was born".
Marcio Luz
MARCIO LUZ, estudou no Rio de Janeiro. Respondeu no dia 19 de outubro de 2014.

     "Na verdade, a ideia era fazer uma série de brinquedos baseados no Conan, o Bárbaro. Como o personagem era muito violento para os meninos, eles mudaram o conceito e criaram o He-man. She-ra foi criada logo depois."

     MARCIO LUZ, studied at Rio de Janeiro. Answered Oct 19, 2014.

     "Actually The idea was to make a series of toys based on Conan the Barbarian. Since the character was too violent fo kids they changed the concept and criated He-man. She-ra was created soon after".

     Obrigado pela sua visita, um bom divertimento e um super abração sansônico a todos os visitantes do blog SANSÃO E GOLIAS.

     Pesquisa sansônica: JOSÉ RIBEIRO.
     Texto sansônico: JOSÉ RIBEIRO.
     Tradução e adaptação brasileira para o blog SANSÃO E GOLIAS: J.R. TRADUÇÕES E ADAPTAÇÕES BRASILEIRAS S.A.F..
     Localização sansônica: MANAUS - AMAZONAS - BRASIL.

     Postagem revisada e atualizada no mês de dezembro de 2022.

    What was the inspiration behind He-Man and SheShe-Ra??
     Imoh Bare, M.A. Illustration & Comic and Animation, University of Westminster (2010)

     Actually, when I see He-Man, I see a mixture of characters: Shazam (Captain Marvel), Mighty Thor, Mighty Mightor (a rip off of Thor by the way), Young Samson and Goliath, and then Conan.
     My guess is that they got their inspection from Conan while making the Toys and Mini Comics, but changed its genre to a SciFi-Fantasy to make it a little different. Then while making the TV series, (now this is me guessing here) they borrowed from numerous characters, especially Mighty Mightor and Young Samson.
     Mightor / He-Man: Young guys raising weapons to the heavens and saying magic words which changes them to big powerful beings.
     Young Samson / He-Man: Young guys who transform to big powerful Super beings through magical artefacts (Samson by hitting his golden wristbands together, He-Man by raising his swords and saying..... you remember what he says), and they both have pets who transform to giant cats when energy from the powered artefacts are pointed towards them. Come to think of it, that's sort of like Mightor as well. Oh, and both Samson and He-Man have the same haircuts. I'm just saying .
     As for She-Ra, knowing Filmation (the company that was responsible for the TV series), they were all about morals and family values. I'm sure they wanted a female version of He-Man for the girl audience. I remember as a kid watching the series and how girls were so hyped because of She-Ra, who looked like a superhero version of Barbie and Jem. Jem's cartoon series was quite popular in the 80s while Barbie….. well, you know.
    Marcio Luz Jeff Kesselman, I know a little bit about a whole lot, and a whole lot about a little bit.

     I'm pretty sure the inspiration behind He-Man was "This fantasy thing is popular, lets sell a fantasy toy with a TV show."
     And the inspiration behind She-ra was, "Wow, this He-man thing is selling great with boys... now how do we sell to girls?"
     Given that they just latched onto and kiddified any fantasy tropes they could find.  As for color and art style, that would be in the hands of the art director and reflect his/her tastes, the important thing being that forms are simple enough that they could be cheaply manufactured as toys.

     There's a show on Netflix called "The Toys that made Us", which covers toys from the 80's. 
     One episode deals specifically with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
     Initially there were three ideas pitched, a space commando, a marine (if I remember correctly) and a barbarian type warrior. Mattel went with the barbarian, which eventually became He-Man. She-Ra was an attempt to tap the girl market.

Michael Palmer, works at Game Stop

     There was only 1 inspiration behind He-Man. Toy sales. They invented a line of toys and wrote the show to sell them. When they sold really well, they decided to branch out and try to sell to girls, so She-ra was born.

Marcio Luz, studied at Rio de Janeiro. Answered Oct 19, 2014.
     Actually The idea was to make a series of toys based on Conan the Barbarian. Since the character was too violent fo kids they changed the concept and criated He-man. She-ra was created soon after.

     IMOH BARE, M.A. Illustration & Comic and Animation, University of Westminster (2010). Answered Feb 28, 2018.
     Actually, when I see He-Man, I see a mixture of characters: Shazam (Captain Marvel), Mighty Thor, Mighty Mightor (a rip off of Thor by the way), Young Samson and Goliath, and then Conan.
     My guess is that they got their inspection from Conan while making the Toys and Mini Comics, but changed its genre to a SciFi-Fantasy to make it a little different. Then while making the TV series, (now this is me guessing here) they borrowed from numerous characters, especially Mighty Mightor and Young Samson.
     Mightor / He-Man: Young guys raising weapons to the heavens and saying magic words which changes them to big powerful beings.
     Young Samson / He-Man: Young guys who transform to big powerful Super beings through magical artefacts (Samson by hitting his golden wristbands together, He-Man by raising his swords and saying..... you remember what he says), and they both have pets who transform to giant cats when energy from the powered artefacts are pointed towards them. Come to think of it, that's sort of like Mightor as well. Oh, and both Samson and He-Man have the same haircuts. I'm just saying .
     As for She-Ra, knowing Filmation (the company that was responsible for the TV series), they were all about morals and family values. I'm sure they wanted a female version of He-Man for the girl audience. I remember as a kid watching the series and how girls were so hyped because of She-Ra, who looked like a superhero version of Barbie and Jem. Jem's cartoon series was quite popular in the 80s while Barbie….. well, you know.

     JEFF KESSELMAN, I know a little bit about a whole lot, and a whole lot about a little bit. Answered May 18, 2013.

     I'm pretty sure the inspiration behind He-Man was "This fantasy thing is popular, lets sell a fantasy toy with a TV show."
     And the inspiration behind She-ra was, "Wow, this He-man thing is selling great with boys... now how do we sell to girls?"
     Given that they just latched onto and kiddified any fantasy tropes they could find.  As for color and art style, that would be in the hands of the art director and reflect his/her tastes, the important thing being that forms are simple enough that they could be cheaply manufactured as toys.

     LIAM CORRIGAN. Answered May 24, 2018.

     There's a show on Netflix called "The Toys that made Us", which covers toys from the 80's. 
     One episode deals specifically with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
     Initially there were three ideas pitched, a space commando, a marine (if I remember correctly) and a barbarian type warrior. Mattel went with the barbarian, which eventually became He-Man. She-Ra was an attempt to tap the girl market.

     MICHAEL PALMER, works at Game Stop. Answered Feb 21, 2018.

     There was only 1 inspiration behind He-Man. Toy sales. They invented a line of toys and wrote the show to sell them. When they sold really well, they decided to branch out and try to sell to girls, so She-ra was born.

     MARCIO LUZ, studied at Rio de Janeiro. Answered Oct 19, 2014.

     Actually The idea was to make a series of toys based on Conan the Barbarian. Since the character was too violent fo kids they changed the concept and criated He-man. She-ra was created soon after.